Friday, 11 July 2014


I first saw this notebook DIY on Melisa's blog Pie N' the Sky a while back, which in turn was inspired by Elsie's DIY wall art post on A Beautiful Mess. I'd bought this plain, reddy-pink notebook from IKEA, which I was wanting to spruce up a bit and make more personal, and what better way to do it than to decorate it with this brilliant geometric design. This DIY looked like a really quick and simple project but with a very striking result, so I thought I'd give it a go. All you need is: a notebook (obviously!), old magazine pages that you're willing to cut up, a glue stick, scissors, mod podge, a paintbrush, and a pencil and ruler for measuring the size of your triangle template. Go visit Melisa's original post for a full list of instructions.

An added tip that I discovered whilst decorating my own notebook, which makes cutting out the same size triangle multiple times a whole lot easier, is to draw your triangle template onto a post-it note, with part of the sticky bit on the back of your triangle. Then, cut out the post-it triangle. Now, when you want to cut out a section of magazine, [1] you don't have to draw the same shape on every bit of magazine you want to use, and [2] you can stick the post-it wherever you want on the page, and when you hold up the page to cut the shape out, the template won't move around or fall off. Plus, if you're not happy with where it is initially, you can easily peel it off and re-stick it somewhere else on the page!

I ended up putting a little bit too much mod podge on my notebook when sealing my design at the end, so some of the edges of my triangles crinkled up a bit. If you're gonna have a go at this, I'd suggest just adding small amounts of mod podge at a time, and smoothing it out carefully before it dries. But to be honest, it's hardly noticeable once it's dry, so if you make the same mistake as me, don't fret about it - just enjoy making and using your beautiful, new notebook!


  1. So cute! Makes me almost wish I were back in school (...almost...)

  2. thanks :D i only just finished school (finally!) so it doesn't really have the same effect on me haha :)

  3. Ashley Llewellyn12 July 2014 at 22:18

    This looks like a wonderful diy, I've been saving links to a bunch of ones that I want to make now that it's summer and this is definitely going on the list! :)

  4. I love this!! Going to do it with some notebooks before September :) lovely blog!

    Gab xo |

  5. Yay awesome! And thank you so much, comments like this really keep me motivated to carry on blogging :D


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