Tuesday, 9 September 2014


1. Spotify
I just love playing music from this app while I'm relaxing in bed just before I go to sleep. Also, it's great if you have Premium, as you can download playlists right to your phone to listen to on the go, even when you don't have an Internet connection.

2. Nationwide / Santander / any mobile banking app
Apps like these are really useful for just quickly checking the balance in your bank account, and for making emergency transactions right before a shopping trip!

3. Bloglovin'
I love scrolling through this app first thing when I wake up in the morning. It's a pretty clean design, which makes blog photos pop and really draw you in to read more.

4. Facebook
Recently, I've found myself using the Facebook app a heck of a lot, as it's been helping me find and chat to future flatmates and coursemates before I even start uni. Also, there's usually at least one hilarious video waiting for me on my feed every time I load up the app!

Anything ASOS has to offer, I will most probably love. Having this app means I can keep my saved items list up-to-date, wherever I am. Plus, I can really easily track where my copious orders are up to and when to expect them through my very welcoming letterbox!

What apps have you been loving recently?

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1 comment:

  1. I have nearly all of these apps. How often do you go on your phone? I spend way to much!



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